223. James Bridle (Originally aired 12/21/22)
Scratching the Surface - A podcast by Jarrett Fuller

We're taking the summer off and will be republishing some of our favorite episodes from the archives through August. This episode originally aired December 21, 2022. — James Bridle is a writer, artist, and technologist. They are the author, most recently, of Ways of Being as well as New Dark Age. They've exhibited art in galleries and institutions around the world and have written for publications like Wired, The Atlantic, and the Guardian. In this wide-ranging conversation, Jarrett and James talk about the limited ways we talk about artificial intelligence, why human-centered design might just be corporation-centered design, and the value of working across mediums. — Links from this episode can be found at scratchingthesurface.fm/223-james-bridle. — If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us on Patreon and get bonus content, transcripts, and our monthly newsletter! www.patreon.com/surfacepodcast