Screenwriters' Rant Room - A podcast by Hilliard Guess - Mondays

In this episode, Hilliard & guest co-host Zimran Jacob sit down to chop it up with writer/producer NIKHIL S. JAYARAM in a two hour, nothing-but-game episode for all of you writers dying to get staffed on a TV series!We talk about Nikhil's new book THE TV WRITERS HIDDEN PATH:TVWRITERSHIDDENPATH.COMNikhil is a screenwriter for television and film. Rising from Staff Writer to Producer, he’s written on hit TV series including the Emmy-nominated STAR TREK: PRODIGY for Paramount+/Nickelodeon, NBC’s SHADES OF BLUE and THE MYSTERIES OF LAURA, and shows in various stages of developmentfor Netflix and other outlets. He has sold projects to and written for major studios, such as Sony Pictures Television, WarnerBrothers Television, Universal Television, Activision/BlizzardStudios, and ViacomCBS. He’s currently scribing a romanticcomedy feature for Hallmark.His writing has earned him entryinto the CBS Writers Mentoring Program, NBC’s Writers on theVerge, the CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment) New Writers Fellowship, and the Disney/ABC Fellowship. Recently, he even worked internationally, consulting on a feature film based in New Zealand. He’s also the founder of the WGAW South Asian Writers Committee.. A Northwestern Universityalum, Nikhil lives in Los Angeles, California, with his rescue pit bull!Our Motto: "We keep it GAME all day!"NEW WEBSITE:www.screenwritersrantroom.comFor information, Merch (T-SHIRTS/HOODIES), and all things Rant Room!Subscribe, like, follow, share & 5-star review!@Hilliard Guess on all social mediaIG: @ScreenwritersRantRoom@NikhilsJayaram@ZimranJacobWE ARE NOW OPEN TO SPONSORSHIPS AND BRANDING OPPORTUNITIES : [email protected] invest countless hours per week to deliver the actionable content that goes into this podcast. We appreciate your support!SCREENWRITER NETWORKS:OBSwriter.comBTFC.orgSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/screenwriters-rant-room/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/screenwriters-rant-room/supportPODCASTS WE SUPPORT:2 Writers Talkin Shit: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/2-writers-talking-shit/id1671253747Hollywood Confessional: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hollywood-confessional/id1628848064?i=1000630276175The Qube & Queer News: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/queer-news/id1595777135A Conversation With Floyd Marshall Jr: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-conversation-with-host-floyd-marshall-jr/id1544499834THEME SONG: Jack SpadeWEBSITE: Abigail Bloom & Laura HuieLOGOS: Rachel MusikanthRANT ROOM TEAM:Richard Scott - Creative ProducerTyler Musikanth - Associate ProducerBrooke Baltimore - MarketingTogo - Marketing