145. First Impressions Count as a Manager

Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast - A podcast by Laura Thomson-Staveley & Debbie Green - Fridays


If you are/were a manager and you had 30 mins with a coach what would you ask them? Saddle up and ride along with us on our 4-part focus on 'The Management Frontier' where we answer a selection of real life questions from the edge. From handling internal promotion, to the challenges of change, to starting out fresh, to unlocking the benefits of neurodivergence, the topics that a manager has to deal with  is a vast and evolving space. Managers are human too, and we can only try our best. This first one is all about making a great first impression - whether making a fresh start in a new inherited team, recently promoted in a team you were once part of, or being challenged 'what makes you qualified to be my manager?' An ideal listen for anyone who is stepping out into new frontiers, or is considering whether to go for a promotion to manager. We share simple ways to set your 'first 90 days' plan, how to level up your reputation if it is creating a shadow, and tips for focusing attention on the benefits of having an 'insider' as the manager. Fancy a deeper dive? Here are some related past episodes from our library:Ep.132 Book Club: Surrounded By Idiots? How To Work Well With PeopleEp. 120 Employee Engagement is a Two-Way StreetEp. 94 Positive Impact and Influence - Your Relationships and Reputation