155. When Familiarity Breeds Contempt - Keeping The Spark in Long Service

Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast - A podcast by Laura Thomson-Staveley & Debbie Green - Fridays


For all you long-servers out there....Welcome to the second in our 4-part focus all about stretching our comfort zone. Has the thrill gone in your job? This episode goes out to all those who are either themselves got years of long-service, or who are managing people in their team who have have been in the same role or organisation for a while. Like in any relationship, at some point the novelty wears off and the reality of the routine kicks in. We share tips and ideas for regaining the spark - especially if contempt has kicked in ('cant even be bothered to say anything any more') . We focus on the upside of familiarity in how it enables confidence and innovation rather than prompting a move to greener pastures.  Changing jobs can be life-changing, but equally changing your mindset and approach to your current job can be exciting and unlock new experiences to push ourselves. As the saying goes, the grass is not greener on the other side, its greener on the side you water. Bringing fun, new challenges and creating new friendships at work can rejuvenate our connection to our work, regardless of the years. Like any successful  long-term relationship, keeping the spark going takes honesty, commitment and a desire to make time count. Fancy a deeper dive? Check out our relevant episodes:Ep.18 Kickstarting Personal MotivationEp. 22 Continuous Improvement for RelationshipsEp. 54 Power Up your Networks - with the rather wonderful journalist Marina GaskEp. 72 Restoring Lost Confidence