85. Inspiring Confidence In The Next Gen Workforce

Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast - A podcast by Laura Thomson-Staveley & Debbie Green - Fridays


The pandemic has disrupted education and career pathways for a generation of teens   -  who are now  entering the workplace looking to make their mark and build their lives.  20% more than usual have decided to delay their entry to work by seeking further education* such is the uncertainty around options . Its not easy being a young person starting out on a career path;  more than ever they need positive adult role models at work. People can only be what they see and remote working has impacted the natural level of behaviour influence and skills transfer. Making the effort to empower the younger generation to convey their ideas, insights with gravitas so people listen is what will drive innovation and change. We share ideas on reverse mentoring, encouraging contribution and maximising the potential from the next generation starting work in this transformational decade. For those who like a bit of science: Neuroscience shows there are clear differences in our brains as we develop in life. Rather than age being a barrier its an enabler to performance:  on a purely cognitive level, a 19 year old brain will process data differently from a 59 year old brain.  (Evidenced by changes in car insurance prices...) The lightening quick processing speed from a younger brain is an asset for any industry looking to disrupt and innovate . The wiser, holistic perspective from an older brain is vital to prioritise how to create and evolve. Never too old to learn, never too young to lead (Dr Kofi Annan) *(People Management  magazine Aug 2021)