90. Manage Expectations to Prevent a Blame Culture

Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast - A podcast by Laura Thomson-Staveley & Debbie Green - Fridays


They say people leave the workplace culture , not the job itself. Creating an environment where there is accountability but not blame is easier said than done during times of uncertainty, disruption and ambiguity.  A Blame Culture is where people pass the responsibility to others for general mistakes, or lack taking accountability for their part in an outcome. Passing the buck, blaming other teams, gossiping about another part of the organisation, shirking responsibility - these behaviours create toxic relationships and destroy trust and willingness to put the extra effort in.  With many industries facing recruitment challenges, now is not the time to let a workplace culture become so negative, all people want to do is leave. We share insights and practical language tips that shift the aim from winning against a colleague to leading the situation towards progress. A study reported in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology showed that being around people who blame others encouraged the subjects to blame others in turn. “The ‘germ’ that spreads is the goal of protecting one’s self-image.  When people observe others protecting their egos, it spreads.” (Nathaniel Fast)