69. Self-Motivation - Shift Your View

Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast - A podcast by Laura Thomson-Staveley & Debbie Green - Fridays


Our focus this month is all about motivation - and in this episode we discuss tips for self-motivation. Did you know that 80% of those who set New Years Resolutions have given them up within 3 weeks? Rather than setting goals that focus on depriving ourselves, it is much more motivating to set goals which focus on joy and feeling good - that nudge you closer to being the real genuine you.  Being able to motivate ourselves on the easy as well as the tough days is even more of a premium skill for professional success in the years ahead as the impact of the pandemic continues. We share examples and ideas to set ourselves up for success and  get into an optimistic mindset. Shifting our view can transform our general mood and outlook  and our self-belief to get back in the game and make things happen.