177. How to Work With the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse: Refresh, Release, Be Reborn

The Secrets of a Witch Podcast - A podcast by Sabrina Scott


Hi friends! ARE YOU EXCITED?! I’m excited! In a little more than 12 hours we will have a total solar eclipse bopping diagonally over North America, and I have to say I’m already buzzy with both apprehensive and excited vibes. In this podcast episode I talk eclipse viewing safety for anyone traveling to totality or planning to view the partial eclipse, and offer some tips for reflection and magic and alchemy for anyone going cocoon mode during this time and choosing not to view, or living somewhere where viewing isn’t possible. I also share when in the last few years this eclipse loops us back to. Happy eclipsing! All my links: https://www.claimyourmagicwithsabrina.com/links