123. Career [vision] and your nervous system, July vision series

Self-Compassionate Professor - A podcast by Danielle De La Mare, PhD


First in the "July 2022 vision series," I re-release my episode about career wellness and the nervous system. In this solo episode, drawing on elements of Polyvagal Theory, I discuss how self-care anchors you in a calm and connected nervous system state. I also discuss how for many of us, after a long semester, our nervous  systems become dysregulated and as a result, we become not only  disconnected from our bodies and from others, but we also become  disconnected from our career visions: we either cannot see our vision or we are furiously chasing an elusive vision. If your nervous system is dysregulated, I explain how you can return to a more connected state. Register for the July 13th career vision workshop here: https://danielledelamare.com/?page_id=1066