90. Burnout and academia with Dr. Özgün Ünver (re-release)

Self-Compassionate Professor - A podcast by Danielle De La Mare, PhD


In the spirit of self-care, self-compassion, and wellness, I re-release my interview with Dr. Özgün Ünver. Dr. Özgün Ünver explains how academics may be at greater risk of burnout compared to the rest of the population. She also describes how burnout manifests differently for different people, types of support one might want to seek when in burnout, as well as her own experience with  burnout. Özgün also discusses the necessity of turning into difficult  emotions as well as practicing self-acceptance and self-compassion when  healing from burnout. Sign up for her newsletter and get the updates about when her next burnout course will be offered at https://www.mindyourownrevisions.com.