Self-Isolation With Chris Baber

Self-Isolation - A podcast by Robin James

Chris Baber chats to me from the comfort of self-isolation. Listen to Chris answer the 'Self-Isolation 6’ - a series of questions about what’s important to him and what makes him tick.  

From his love for nature and exercising outdoors; to his stock cupboard essentials and two simples recipes we will all manage at home! This is all about keeping it light and bright. Some respite and a chance to disconnect. Relax. Enjoy.  

More Chris:


— Instagram - @ChrisBaber (

We spoke about…  


Get in touch...

Email me: [email protected]

Instagram: @ManForHimself

Twitter: @ManForHimself

Facebook: /ManForHimself

YouTube: ManForHimself

About me:

I'm Robin James, a 32-year-old journalist/producer turned blogger/YouTube creator... or something like that.

'Self-Isolation' is my outlet for light and bright conversation. A chance to escape really! I hope you enjoy it.

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