Building a Self Storage Empire and the Process of Scaling [Our 3 Keys]

Self Storage Income - A podcast by AJ Osborne - Tuesdays


Welcome back everybody to the Self Storage Income Podcast! This is your host AJ Osborne!   Some of us simply want to buy and run a few self storage facilities that will allow us more freedom over our finances and our lives, and that’s fantastic. Some of us however, want to build empires, and that’s exactly what we’re going to focus on in today’s podcast.   Whether we have a facility under our belts or we’re just starting out, if we want to build self storage empires, we have to think and execute in a totally different way. We need a goal and a master plan to help us achieve it. But where do you start? How do go about planning to build a self storage investment empire? What processes, tools, and infrastructure will you need?   These are all great questions and ones that YOU will have to answer for yourself. Investment goals and expertise is different for everyone. The investment vehicles and paths that investors take is equally different and dynamic. But there are a few fundamental principles that will help you build an incredible self storage portfolio.   I’m going to share with you guys today our 3 Keys to Scaling. That’s right, just 3. Obviously, there is a lot of work to be done when building an investment empire. But building out your goal, having a plan to get there, and then executing on that plan will put you light years ahead of everyone else.   This episode is really exciting to share with you all because over the past year and a half, my company and my team has grown substantially and it’s not slowing down any time soon. We’ve had the growing pains, we’ve experienced (and are still experiencing) our gaps and the holes we need to plug in our systems, and of course, we’re still learning and adapting as we always will. It’s an awesome thing to be able to share with you a ground zero look into the self storage empire me and my team are building and how you too can start building your own self storage empire. Thanks for listening everybody! AJ The Self Storage Income Exclusive Fall Event in Coeur d’Alene Idaho (GET YOUR SEATS RESERVED ASAP!) - Be sure to go to to get your copy of my Self Storage Playbook. This step by step playbook walks you through from start to finish - how to identify a self storage market, how to perform due diligence, how to contact a current owner, and ultimately how to land a deal and purchase a storage facility.   You can also find the Self Storage Income Podcast on: iTunes Spotify Stitcher The Self Storage Income Podcast is Sponsored by:   Janus International - Store Local - Live Oak Bank -