COVID 19 and How It’s Affecting Self Storage

Self Storage Income - A podcast by AJ Osborne - Tuesdays


What’s going on everybody!? AJ here with another episode of your favorite self storage podcast - Self Storage Income. Today I wanted to dive into what we’re seeing and experiencing in the self storage industry with the looming COVID 19 pandemic overhead. We’ve had a lot of you sending in questions wondering how this virus has affected our operations, our returns, and our expectations of self storage performance in the future. I share some in depth insights into what we’re seeing currently at our numerous storage facilities across the US. One reminder however - every city, county, state, etc has been approaching COVID 19 differently and as to be expected, their guidelines have also been different. Being such a dynamic event, it’s been quite the undertaking for business owners and investors to keep up with the rapid changes going on in each respective area. We go over how we’ve been approaching rate increases, our strategy moving forward to realize the best returns possible with the large amounts of risk now at play. I also share how we’re looking at each individual facility and market we’re in to help further analyze how we can implement planned rate increases. If I could leave you with anything here - don’t get caught up in all the doom and gloom. These past several weeks we’ve had more good deals come across our table than the entire year prior. Remember, good deals are always good deals and bad deals are always bad deals. Find the good deals, execute, and crush your self storage goals. Thanks for listening everybody! AJ Pick up a copy of my book An Investor’s Guide to Growing Wealth in Self Storage here: Be sure to go to to get your free copy of my Self Storage Playbook. This step by step playbook walks you through from start to finish - how to identify a self storage market, how to perform due diligence, how contact a current owner, and ultimately how to land a storage facility deal. You can also find the Self Storage Income Podcast on: iTunes Spotify Stitcher The Self Storage Income Podcast is Sponsored by Janus International -