Our Latest Kansas City Deal - Re-cap and Update

Self Storage Income - A podcast by AJ Osborne - Tuesdays


Welcome back everybody to the Self Storage Income podcast, this is your host AJ Osborne. I just got back from a trip to Kansas City where we’re working on closing our latest acquisition and I have to tell you… I haven’t been this excited about a purchase in a long time and today I’m going to tell you exactly why. This facility is the exact type of facility that we look for and has every piece of criteria that tells us this is a great deal: - We have high demand in the market - The facility is poorly ran/managed - The facility rates are lower than current market rates - Very little revenue management - Very little online presence - No ancillary streams of income - Off market deal - The list goes on and on If you’ve listened to this podcast for any period of time you know that these factors immediately signal that there could be very real and massive value left on the table to extract. The only thing now is to move and execute. To do this, we need to have our plan and our team in place. As a bonus, we also dive into this aspect as well and provide some incredible insights into what you need to be doing to build your team and resources as you move to acquire your new facility. As always guys, take notes, soak all of this up, and start using it to help you secure more awesome storage deals and to continue expanding your storage empire. Thanks for listening everybody, AJ