Three Keys to Finding and Moving on a Self Storage Investment Opportunity

Self Storage Income - A podcast by AJ Osborne - Tuesdays


Welcome everybody to the Self Storage Income podcast. I’m AJ Osborne, your host and self proclaimed self storage investing addict. So many times we can get caught up in all the details and analysis of our goals, investing and otherwise. That’s why today I wanted to dial in on three keys to help you focus on when analyzing whether or not to move forward with a proposed storage facility. The three simple keys we go over today are: Demand Revenue Potential Cost Once you accurately identify and measure these variables, you’ll have a pretty clear idea of whether or not a proposed storage facility is a go. I walk you all through how to analyze demand, how to identify revenue potential, and how to analyze cost to help ensure that you’re making the best investment decisions possible. Listen in, take notes, and please, email me any questions you have! We love addressing your questions on the podcast and social media. Thanks for listening everybody! AJ Pick up a copy of my book An Investor’s Guide to Growing Wealth in Self Storage here: Be sure to go to to get your free copy of my Self Storage Playbook. This step by step playbook walks you through from start to finish - how to identify a self storage market, how to perform due diligence, how contact a current owner, and ultimately how to land a storage facility deal. You can also find the Self Storage Income Podcast on: iTunes Spotify Stitcher The Self Storage Income Podcast is Sponsored by Janus International -