Gare de l’Est



One of my favorite objectives in my short trip to Paris was to record the sound of the TGVs. I was always fascinated by the idea of being a train-spotter and in my recording-visit to the Gare de l’Est, I had the chance to catch three TGVs and two “regular” trains that sounded and looked like TGVs… I recorded some of the train station’s ambiance, but mostly the trains. Have a good listening at precisely 12.55 pm!   Miron Ghiu (b. 1980) studied philosophy and, for some years now, he is a freelance journalist for various media outlets and a sound designer and DJ. He’s mad about music, passionate about technology and tends to use all kinds of media in his works. He’s a trans-humanist and he loves robots as much as humans, waiting for the technological singularity to come. Politically speaking, Miron Ghiu is an anarchist. „ Gare de l’Est. A train-spotter in a short trip to Paris.” is recorded, edited, and mixed by Miron Ghiu.