DAREDEVIL Season 2 confirmed to shoot before Season 1 debuts!

The Kristian Harloff Show - A podcast by Kristian Harloff


MAGIC MIND: Get 45% off the Magic Mind bundle with my link: https://magicmind.com/KHJAN Confidence is brewing within Marvel already. We knew that Dareveil was getting a season 2 but shooting is apparently taking place before the season premiere of Seasson 1 debuts! Smart move? Tons of Spiderman news. Rumor for Tom Holland suit, animated series release schedule and new photos for Spiderman Noir. On the DC front, Swamp Thing and Supergirl updates. This and more on Capes and Cowls Kristian Harloff Live Show with Kristan, Coy and Winston! #dc #dcu #supergirl #spiderman #marvel #mcu #daredevil #season2