A long week in Privacy with Paul and Dr.K

Serious Privacy - A podcast by Paul Breitbarth and Dr. K Royal


On this week of Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth of Catawiki and Dr. K Royal discuss a lot of events in a long week of privacy as they lead up to attending the Nordic Privacy Arena, including The Norwegian Data Protection Authority ordering Meta to stop personalized advertising, Fairplay and the Center for Digital Democracy (calling for investigation related to Google ads and COPPA), Gatekeepers, China, S. Korea, SmartCars, Mozilla’s study on connected cars, OpenAI’s enterprise offering, and more. If you have comments or questions, find us on LinkedIn and IG @seriousprivacy @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy and email [email protected]. Rate and Review us! Proudly sponsored by TrustArc. Learn more about NymityAI at https://trustarc.com/nymityai-beta/ #heartofprivacy #europaulb #seriousprivacy #privacy #dataprotection #cybersecuritylaw #CPO #DPO #CISO