A week in Privacy with fines, new laws, and Snowden!

Serious Privacy - A podcast by Paul Breitbarth and Dr. K Royal


In this episode of Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth of Catawiki and  Dr. K Royal take you on a fast-paced global tour for privacy developments, including Oregon sending a privacy bill to the governor, Texas passing a privacy law, Connecticut enhancing its privacy law, Apple’s announcement on Child Sexual Abuse Material,  the parliamentary monsoon session in India, and two items out of the Swedish DPA - a fine on Spotify and Bonnier News. Also, we briefly touch on the 10th anniversary of the Snowden leaks. As always, if you have comments or questions, let us know - LinkedIn, Twitter @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy and email [email protected]. Please do like and write comments on your favorite podcast app so other professionals can find us easier.  If you have comments or questions, find us on LinkedIn and IG @seriousprivacy @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy and email [email protected]. Rate and Review us! Proudly sponsored by TrustArc. Learn more about NymityAI at https://trustarc.com/nymityai-beta/ #heartofprivacy #europaulb #seriousprivacy #privacy #dataprotection #cybersecuritylaw #CPO #DPO #CISO