Dr. Kats discusses niacin as a prevention and treatment for covid and other prevalent diseases

Serious Shot with CHCA - A podcast by Colorado Health Choice Alliance

In this episode of Serious Shot, Heather and Pam interview Dmitry Kats, PhD, MPH about his groundbreaking treatment protocol that removes all treatment barriers for a long list of prevalent disorders. Dr. Kats has a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and he also has degrees in Biostatistics and Mathematics. His background includes epidemiology, aging research, biostatistics, longitudinal analysis, and psychometrics. He has written a hypothesis paper “A potentially critical role for niacin in immunology?” that has far reaching implications for not only SARS-CoV2, but also for most modern diseases. Dr. Kats’ published papers: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=oRnx2NUAAAAJ&hl=en Dr. Kats professional career: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitry-kats-44b33531 Dr. Kats niacin protocol: https://twitter.com/nia3in?lang=en    0:00 - Introduction     8:48 - Smoking and cancer     11:38 - Smoking and covid     14:37 - NAD+ deficiency, fake niacin meds, Cytokine storm, niacin treatment with covid     22:16 - Niacin flushing protocol     35:00 - Niacin for covid prevention, roll of HDL in covid     45:15 - Smoking as a niacin source     47:43 - Getting started with niacin     52:38 - Flush reduction     59:42 - Covid long haulers and niacin     1:06:06 - Vaccine injury and niacin