S1E3 Theresa Baxter
Shadow Work Podcast - A podcast by Matilde Digmann
Topics in this episode: Body neutrality The soft revolution Rebellious vulnerability Running an art studio Illustration Oil painting Performance Painting is dead Finding your style Body image Eating disorders Colourful images Having a continued conversation Community Street art Stickers Paste-ups Being seen Feminism Conditioning of women to be small The void of the art world Being a sell out Wanting success as an artist Being called to do the work Owning our grandure Doing scary things Having uncomfortable conversations Looking to others for courage Meditation Your soul’s desire Society’s lies Being fake Perfectionism Do it before you’re ready Playing a game with the universe Abundance Putting in the hours Being a weird kid It’s okay that things are easy Finding inspiration Going to art shows Working on paper Working digitally Making a weekly schedule Hiring help Anxiety Art fairs Being sensitive Outsourcing Soulwork Dedication Graphic Novel Isolating Going into discomfort Sexuality Letting your subconscious work Exhibiting your work Doing larger projects Fear of committing to bigger projects Artschool killing your passion Do it before you’re ready Joyful fun Trust the process 10.000 hours Find Reesa: https://www.instagram.com/reesabobeesa/ https://reesabobeesa.com Find Mat: https://www.instagram.com/matmakesstuff https://matildedigmann.dk Find the podcast https://www.instagram.com/shadowwork_podcast https://matildedigmann.dk/shadow-work-podcast Music Madness is everywhere by Lobo Loco