33: How to receive

The Way Shamanism - A podcast by The Way Shamanism

⁣⁣www.thewayshamanism.com Instagram: thewayshamanism Email: hello@thewayshamanism * The purpose of this podcast is to inform and not to diagnose, prevent or treat disease Connecting to the Divine is the easiest when you’re in an allowing and receiving state. One of the biggest lessons I have learned from Shamanic Journeying as a Shaman is that the Divine actually wants you to have everything. This is because your happiness is vital to the Tree of Life.   Most of the time you are the one blocking your own ability to receive. We do this with (unconscious) programming that goes like ‘I’m not good enough or, ‘it’s not allowed to be this easy.'   In this episode, I explain why receiving means being in your feminine, your yin energy. I provide tools to bring yourself in your feminine because this can be all the more challenging, living in a society where the masculine is dominant.   I explain why, to be receptive and allowing, we need to feel safe. I explain how to achieve this state of safety, by knowing that you do not need to DO or prove anything to be worthy or enough. This is a birthright.