Journeys in Consciousness (Talk 2 of 4)
Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri - A podcast by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

Beginning with the last of the three topics: All experience is encapsulated in Absolute Oneness - Shaykh Fadhlalla explains how this is realized naturally through the journey of life. Five broad levels are delineated in this talk as key reference on the map of the human journey, these are: early on; later, wisdom and insight; awakening, and ongoingness. This model is compared and related to Mulla Sadra’s model of ‘the Four Journeys’, which influence and relate to the key the maps presented yet must be distinguished. Each Journey, each phase occurs in its appropriate time and in its own perfect way. As is a key theme throughout this series, the phase of Ongoingnes. Spiritual awakening is the beginning of another phase. After the conclusion and recognition of unity comes the means and pathways of living and basking in eternal fusion. To be amongst the creation, basking in the Presence of the Creator. Shaykh Fadhlalla presents essential pointers and navigations that encompass each journey on the spectrum, indicating how they interweave connect to be fully human by living in divinity. You have one heart, one head, one being, which emanates from Original Being only to reflect Truth always, in all circumstances. Self-realization is nothing other than this, truth is realized by yourself, from yourself, unto yourself, because of your soul.