Quran with SFH Series: Surah Ikhlaas

Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri - A podcast by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

The concept of God or the Divine Light, was part of the arab culture where the Muhammadi revelations occurred. The surah urges us to confess that God is One and know that it is beyond on mental comprehension. The mysterious One is self nourishing, self maintaining and perpetual forever, not subject to space or time. Humans aspire to these qualities as we too love to be independent. However, unlike us, nothing returns from God, except grace. There is nothing that can resemble God. Ikhlaas means sincerity and consequently, the surah only incorporates God, the ultimate sincerity. Everything has emerged from this beautiful cosmic energy. We need to realise, through the darkness of our lower self, the truth (haq) and light of our souls. 1. Say: He, Allah, is One. 2. Allah is He on Whom all depend. 3. He begets not, nor is He begotten. 4. And none is like Him.