Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri Wird

Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri - A podcast by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May peace and prayers be showered upon the Master of the Messengers and his household and guided companions. Allah, the Sublime says: “Indeed through the remembrance of Allah the hearts become tranquil.” (13:28.) I ask Allah that you be of those whose hearts are tranquil and of those who have arrived and attained the knowledge of Allah and connected themselves to His mercy which is without end.   Allah has bestowed His generosity and munificence upon us by granting us access to enlightenment through the teachings and guidance of the Seal of the Prophets and his vicegerent !Ali ibn Abi talib and those who followed him in righteousness especially our Shadhili Shaykhs. I specifically mention Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-H.abib, may the mercy of Allah be upon him; they are the forerunners and we are their followers. I present this Wird to whomsoever desires access to the treasures of the Hereafter. There is no power and no strength except through Allah, the Magnificent. There is no victor except Him. There is no presence except His. There is nothing and none sought after besides Him. There is no beloved except Him. Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri