She is Affirmed Podcast - A podcast by Sarah V

I know my wounds will heal in time, if I keep doing the work. I choose peace over temporary satisfaction. My past does not define me. I have the power to heal myself. I am giving myself space and time to restore my soul. I release all emotional baggage and own my truth. I’m ready to start over. I have the power to manifest joy and emotional healing. I have compassion and kindness for everyone. I am discovering the purpose of my existence. Rumi once said the cure for pain is in the pain. True emotional healing only occurs when you give yourself permission to feel the feelings that live below your triggers. Speak these emotional healing affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey. Xoxo Sarah V Grab your free Self Confidence Planner: https://sheissarahv.typeform.com/to/wB35SQma Youtube Channel: 7 Habits of A Highly Confident Woman Watch: https://youtu.be/-FjXSPY4YYo Increase Your Self Worth | Self Love Journey Watch Now: https://youtu.be/It5YWzcXCaY How to level up Mentally in 2022 Watch Now: https://youtu.be/G2vzCkLcbO8 Socials: Follow me! Instagram Accounts Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/sheisaffirmed/ Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sheissarahv Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheissarahv