139: How To Stop Getting Hung Up On What To Offer

She Means Business Show - A podcast by Carrie Green - Tuesdays


As entrepreneurs it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that until we’re clear on what we offer and until we have a product to sell, then there’s no use in showing up and sharing content online. But this couldn’t be further from the truth - in fact it’s a common misconception that keeps so many entrepreneurs stuck from ever really building momentum and growing their audience. We hold ourselves back because we think we need to have everything figured out, rather than giving ourselves permission to just show up, be of service and have meaningful conversations with the people in our community.   Showing up when you have nothing to sell is one of the most powerful things you can do for your business and for your audience, so in this week’s episode I’m sharing some tips and a change in perspective that helped me to overcome this and I know it will help you too!