140: How To Plan Your Best Year Ever

She Means Business Show - A podcast by Carrie Green - Tuesdays


Success is not an accident, we have to make it happen on purpose.  If you want to live an amazing life, or even just make next year way better than this year, then you have to get intentional about it, about what you want to manifest into your life over the next 12 months and the kind of person you want to be. It’s so easy to get hung up on our self-doubt and the limitations we make up in our minds. We convince ourselves that we need to be more “realistic”, that it’s silly to dream so big. That’s why every year it’s so important to give ourselves permission once again to dream big, to get excited about the possibilities, to reconnect with ourselves and get intentional about what we truly want to experience in our lives. So in this week’s episode we’re going through this process together and planning our best year ever! I hope this episode inspires you to decide and commit that you’re going to make 2022 a bloody amazing year and just go for it.  Get lost in the magic of dreaming big and imagining all the possibilities, and then create your plan to make it all happen!  If you’d love to set yourself up for a really amazing year, don’t forget to save your spot for our upcoming Ideas To Income Challenge - we’ll show you what you need to do to create so much success in 2022. It’s FREE and it’s going to be absolutely incredible.