142: You Are Here for a Reason

She Means Business Show - A podcast by Carrie Green - Tuesdays


I’m so excited to be hosting the Ideas To Income Challenge starting January 25th, to help you to make 2022 the year that you turn your dreams into a reality! Sign up for free here! :) xx - fea.link/ideastoincome So many of us keep putting our ideas off to “someday”, but for so many people “someday” never comes.  Life is happening to us right now, and it’s what we do today that counts.  It’s so sad to get to the end of it all with your ideas, your dreams and your magic still inside you! So if you’ve been delaying your dreams, sitting on your amazing ideas and getting in your own way, I have some powerful stories and tips to share with you that I know will inspire you to make 2022 the year you finally make it happen.