192: One simple way to build authority (even if you’re just starting out)

She Means Business Show - A podcast by Carrie Green - Tuesdays


If you want people to trust you, believe in you and eventually buy from you, then you have to get them to listen to you first… and the strategy I’m sharing in this episode is a surefire way to get people to sit up and take notice! Here’s what I’m sharing this week: The single most powerful thing I did to get known and build authority early on The impact this had on my business and how the dynamic shifted after I did this How you can use this strategy to become part of the 1% who get known fast I hope this episode gives you the confidence to get out there and start building authority, no matter what stage you’re at in your business! Take our quiz and get a free business success plan tailored to you: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/quiz    EPISODE SHOW NOTES  FEA INSTAGRAM CARRIE GREEN INSTAGRAM CARRIE & CO. INSTAGRAM SHE MEANS BUSINESS BOOK