193: My Most Powerful Strategy For Business Growth

She Means Business Show - A podcast by Carrie Green - Tuesdays


Back in 2011 when I was just starting out, I got ONE piece of advice from a mentor I had that turned out to be a complete game-changer for me and my business… I didn’t know it at the time, but this one thing would go on to become my number one marketing strategy and looking back, it’s still the best thing I EVER did to grow my business, my audience and my income. Tune into this week’s episode now and find out what that golden piece of advice was (and exactly how you can implement it in your own business). Take our free quiz: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/quiz  EPISODE SHOW NOTES  FEA INSTAGRAM CARRIE GREEN INSTAGRAM CARRIE & CO. INSTAGRAM SHE MEANS BUSINESS BOOK