149 Anne Windfeldt Trolle, Executive Director, Employment Conditions, Recruitment & Training, Danish Shipping
Shipping Podcast - this is where we talk about the coolest industry on the planet and help raise the maritime industry's profile. - A podcast by Lena Göthberg
Danish Shipping has managed to figure out how to attract more than 1 mio viewers on Youtube - and they are hitting the charts with their song about the maritime industry, a song that is now played in all house parties in the maritime industry. Go and check out World Career and see for yourself! In addition, Danish Shipping has set up a toolbox for how to become a diverse and inclusive industry with 10 recommendation on how to attract women to the shipping industry. Go to https://www.danishshipping.dk/women/ and get inspired! Listen to Anne Windfeldt Trolle, Executive Director, Employment Conditions, Recruitment & Training, Danish Shipping and rip off all the ideas she is sharing about #nextgen #diversity #GirlPower #WorldCareer #inclusion and fun! What is your view? Which of all these tools will you use first? Drop me a line at [email protected] Let's get going!