Spring Forecast - Planets Align For Love With Astrologer Jill Jardine

Shot@Love - A podcast by Kerry Brett

Today's topic is a breath of fresh air "Why Spring is the Best Time to Start a Relationship." With the arrival of spring just around the corner, people are excited to embrace the season of new beginnings. As the sun shines and days grow longer, the outdoors bloom with the possibility of new connections. People are happier, hearts more open, and the spring air is filled with the promise of love. Our resident astrologer, the fabulous psychic healer Jill Jardine, shares the best dates toput a spring in your step, kick off a new romance, and bask in the warmth of a fresh spring fling. Jill Jardine is a therapist, professional astrologer and spiritual advisor.  For over 30 years, she’s helped thousands of people find the power and confidence within themselves to make decisions to move forward with ease and joy. If you feel stuck and unfulfilled it could be caused by your subconscious, limiting beliefs or past-life agreements. Today, Jill will share how easy it is to tap into your higher self and live you’re your best life. In this episode Jill shares her astrology update for the Spring of 2023 and give us a breakdown of March, April, May and June for dating.Kerry Brett and Jill Jardine cover a lot of ground and focus on why spring is the best time to start a relationship. Topics include;The new season, with longer days and warmer weather, will make people more open and excited to date.Jill discusses why March is the perfect month to start dating as all planets are traveling direct until April 21st, with no retrograde planets to hold anyone back.Jill also notes that March is an astrologically significant month, with Saturn leaving Aquarius and moving into Pisces, signifying a whole new three-year cycle. This is an ideal time to re-evaluate your relationships and begin anew.Pluto also enters Aquarius on March 23rd, signifying a new era of connection and connectivity. For dating, this means people will quickly determine whether someone is their tribe or vibe.It’s manifestation time, where people can create a new reality around their love life.All of this positive astrological energy will encourage others to spring into action and start something new.