3 Things I Wish I Knew About an Empty Nest

Simple Doesn't Mean Easy - A podcast by Michelle Visser - Mondays


In this week's episode of the Simple Doesn't Mean Easy podcast, host Michelle Visser dives into the topic of being an empty nester. She shares her unique experience of having an empty nest at different points over the years as her daughters temporarily moved out and back in, rather than all leaving at once. Michelle explains that while she and her husband didn't do regular "date nights" when the kids were young, they made sure to spend meaningful one-on-one time with each family member, including each other, even if it wasn't alone time or a true "date." She advises parents to start reconnecting more with your spouse as the kids become teenagers, while the kids are still at home and suggests some ways to do that.Now that she's experiencing a true empty nest, Michelle loves having more time for fostering new friendships, personal hobbies, and even running her podcast. However, she notes you do have to be intentional about making time for these things. Her best advice? It rings true for every season of life, not just the empty nest phase... Work hard at maintaining a positive attitude, focused on what's good - reflecting on what's true, noble, right, pure, lovely and praiseworthy even in the hard and difficult days.Ultimately, Michelle didn't do anything specifically to prepare for empty nest life, but yet feels her overall choices as the kids were growing up, in the end, helped her usher in this new stage graciously.She encourages listeners to enjoy the season you're in, invest in your family, and you'll naturally invest in your spouse too, which will, in the end, prepare you for the Empty Nest.