SFP 162: Reading Aloud + Our Book Overhaul [with Emily Cook of Build Your Library]
Simple Families - A podcast by Denaye Barahona Ph.D. - Fridays
I recently went through and did a huge book overhaul. I got rid of all the “twaddle” in favor of prioritizing high quality, well-written children’s books. To quote today’s guest Emily Cook, “well-read children will grow into well-read adults”. In this episode, Emily and I talk about reading aloud and choosing great books for our children.
Show Notes/Links:
* (Our new fairytale books) Atlas of Classic Tales/Atlas of Fairy Tales* My Father’s Dragon* Good Omen* Emily’s Website: Build Your Library* Emily on YouTube: Arrrgh Schooling* Emily on Instagram: bylibrarycurriculum* Emily on Twitter* Emily’s Book: A Literary Education