Simple Homeschool Ep #103: Jonathan Tells All - My Homeschool Day in the Life (with my new co-host!)

Simple Homeschool - A podcast by Jamie C. Martin

Welcome to the Simple Homeschool podcast - with my new co-host, my 18-year-old son, Jonathan! * Today's episode is sponsored by Write the World's College Essay Workshops and TJEd High Jonathan homeschooled his entire life, Preschool through 12th grade, and graduated in May 2022. He has a LOT to share and I know as a homeschool parent in the trenches you will get so much out of hearing his insights - some of them surprised me too. We're doing a special series of episodes together, reflecting on his experience of being homeschooled through graduation, and answering some of your questions! In honor of Simple Homeschool's 13th Annual Homeschool Day in the Life series kicking off this month, our first episode looks back on our typical homeschool day. In this episode, you'll hear: What words would Jonathan use to describe our typical homeschool day to a stranger? What was his LEAST favorite part of our homeschool days? What did he love most about our homeschool days? I also share my favorite and least favorite parts, too, 'cause it ain't all flowers and rainbows, ahem Would you like to submit a homeschooling question for Jamie and Jonathan to answer in an upcoming episode? If so, email it to [email protected] with "Podcast Question" as the subject line. Find the rest of the show notes for this episode by clicking here.