Insecurities & Self Love

Sincerely, You - A podcast by Holly Rae


“B” hates everything about her face and body. “T” struggles with accepting a specific part of herself she thinks is ugly. “P” deals with a lifelong insecurity about her weight. “C” talks about an insecurity most of the world ignores. “F” deals with serious self-hatred and despises who she is. “A” finds a way to overcome her deeply rooted insecurities. Ahhhh, sweet insecurities. They’re the worst things to ever exist lol. So let’s dive into a NEW perspective and whisper some truth to our hearts for once. I don’t care who you are. If you have insecurities, this podcast is for you.  (SUBMISSIONS ARE CURRENTLY ON PAUSE)Follow Holly on Instagram for more entries & conversation @sincerelyyoupodcastSubscribe on YouTube  Podcast production and music by Alvarez Audio