Growing Up with a Narcissistic Mother with Dr. Stephanie Kriesberg

Sisters Cracking Up - A podcast by Abby Rodman and Julie Howard

We're all so much better-educated these days about narcissism and narcissists -- especially when we suspect we have partner who displays narcissistic tendencies and behaviors. But what if your experience with narcissism began long before you can even remember? And what if the narcissist in your life was/is YOUR MOTHER?! Dr. Stephanie Kriesberg joins Sisters Cracking Up in this episode to discuss her book, Adult Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers: Quiet the Critical Voice in Your Head, Heal Self-Doubt, and Live the Life You Deserve. Was/Is everything always about your mom no matter what? If your mom was/is a narcissist, you may have grown up feeling controlled or manipulated by her. She may also have made you feel damaged, rejected, and ashamed, leaving you with lasting anxieties and insecurities. If this sounds at all familiar, you do not want to miss this episode. Dr. Stephanie Kriesberg is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Concord, MA. She helps adult children of narcissistic parents lead healthier, happier lives.  Abby and Julie kickoff the episode discussing comedian Matt Rife's Boston concert. They also pose another fascinating dinner party conversation starter, courtesy of TikTok's @alliegoneaway.