DDP Drops the Diamond Cutter|Six Feet Under #54 Part 2

Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway - A podcast by Underscore Talent - Mondays

On this episode of Six Feet Under, The Undertaker (Mark Calaway) sits down with DDP for an in-depth conversation about his incredible journey in wrestling. They discuss his transformation from a late bloomer to a people's champion, sharing behind-the-scenes stories about legendary rivalries, unforgettable nWo stunts, and his commitment to staying in top shape.Thanks to our sponsors!Magic Spoonhttps://www.magicspoon.com/sixfeet1st Phormhttps://www.1stphorm.com/undertakerBluechewhttps://www.Bluechew.comPromo Code: SIXFEETHappy Dadhttps://www.happydad.comNYKD Poucheshttps://www.NYKDpouches.com/sixfeet35% off your next 3 orders!