Jake The Snake REVEALS untold stories with the Undertaker| Six Feet Under #53 Part 1
Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway - A podcast by Underscore Talent - Mondays

On this episode, The Undertaker sits down with Jake “The Snake” Roberts to talk about his impact on wrestling, his infamous snake gimmick, and his influence on Taker’s early career. Jake opens up about his dislike for snakes, run-ins with PETA, and classic stories from the ring, including his match against Taker at WrestleMania VIII and working with legends like Macho Man and Andre the Giant. They also discuss the art of staying relevant in wrestling and the legacy of the DDT. Thanks to our sponsors! Magic Spoonhttps://www.magicspoon.com/sixfeet1st Phormhttps://www.1stphorm.com/undertakerBluechewhttps://www.Bluechew.comPromo Code: SIXFEETHappy Dadhttps://www.happydad.comNYKD Poucheshttps://www.NYKDpouches.com/sixfeet35% off your next 3 orders!