36 - Decide What Your 2021 Health or Fitness Business Will Look Like
Six Figure Health Pro - A podcast by Author T.C. Hale helps you take your health, fitness, nutrition, or wellness business to the next level.

2021 is upon us and it’s time to do a quick check in with your business to see what kind of adjustments will be the most helpful this year. We’ve never had a year like 2020 before, which means if you haven’t made any adjustments to your business yet, you will likely need to. The world is changing and the way we do business needs to adapt to that. In this episode: What's the best way for you to engage with your clients? The benefits of working virtually even if you're able to see clients in person How lowering prices and up-selling can reach a wider variety of clients Setting up a variety of ways to engage with clients Links Mentioned: Become a Work-From-Home Health or Fitness Professional Intro to Marketing Course for Health Professionals