68 - Night of Autumn
Skullcraic - A podcast by David Wolfe
This week, Ciaran has rejoined us and this episode is jam-packed full of news! At last, Wizards has revealed the full qualification path for the new Mythic Championships, as well as announcing that a new mulligan variant will be tested at the upcoming Mythic Championship in London. Speaking of Mythic Championships, the first one ever happened this past weekend in Cleveland, so we give our thoughts on the Standard format as it develops there. Because of the prerelease MagicFest in London, Wizards also announced that UK and Irl stores get to have their prereleases a day early, as well as European stores being able to sell all WAR products on prerelease weekend! In Enter the Arena this week, we have a host of advice and recommendations for those of you who are looking to watch some Magic streams on Twitch.tv