2nd Cup #28 | QUIBI Loses 90% of its Users in 90 Days! PLUS: Sony, Fortnite, Spotify & TikTok

Niche, Please! - A podcast by Skyler Irvine


2nd Cup #28

There is a lot of news out there today, enough to confuse anyone. But these are the headlines that matter for those looking to future-proof their business. So let's discuss over your 2nd Cup, streamed live every weekday.

Show Notes:

2:27 - Quibi reportedly lost 90 percent of early users after their free trials expired

9:25 - Omnicom Plans $20 Million in Podcast Ads on Spotify

14:28 - Sony invests $250 million in Fortnite maker Epic Games 

18:01 - TikTok’s likes briefly broke down at the worst possible time


Want to be a guest on The 2nd Cup? Start here: https://renzlermedia.typeform.com/to/yBvwbo


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