Hard To Believe ROI on These Basketball Cards in 10 Years | PWCC Weekly #75
SlabStox Sports Card Trading - A podcast by SlabStox
Aaron and Nate talk about the incredible ROI you could've made if you bought this player over the last 10 years. For PWCC Vault transfers for Camp Kesem: eyJpdiI6InpDeFBETTEvM1VYNTRJUDBabHAxSlE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoieGJ6c2syWDR3eUFhRExtOE5FVlhlQT09IiwibWFjIjoiZjkwOGZiMTkyYmExZTRmMDY4YzFjYmNlMGMyYWZmOWFhYjcxYzZlMTg2MTA1NzAxNzBhMDVjYTBjN2U1YjkzNyIsInRhZyI6IiJ9 Bid in the PWCC Weekly Auction now: https://pwccmarketplace.pxf.io/oqn45b Sign-up for The Daily Slab newsletter: https://www.slabstox.com Grade your cards with SlabStox x SGC Grading: https://www.slabstox.com/grading Create your Card Ladder account here: https://app.cardladder.com/signup?via=slabstox - All-time sales history | Sales data from 14 sources | Track your collection.