Watercolor pastoral

Sleep Song - A podcast by WaitWhat

Tremulous snare sounds and open notes gather the day's scattered thoughts, as a cello assures that it's time for new beauty, fresh unity of mind, and body. A new old memory of sloping panoramas, rolling fenced pastures, and worn dirt road, a place of comforting sunlight and abiding peace, where there's always enough time. Surreal porch chimes melt edges into watercolor blur, as the rising and falling of a harmonium mirrors the arrival and departure of each calm breath. The slow compression of organ pedals and joyful swells of strings, sax, and muted horns then paint the space with further reassurance of a restful night ahead. Original music from composers Ryan Holladay and Eduardo Rivera. Meditative Story combines extraordinary human stories with meditation prompts embedded into the storylines — all surrounded by breathtaking music. Think of it as an alternative way into a mindfulness practice, through vivid stories and cinematic music and production values. Find Meditative Story wherever you listen to podcasts.