Classic Bedtime Story: The Telltale Tile 🪡

Sleep Tight Relax - Calming Bedtime Stories and Meditations - A podcast by Sleep Tight Media / Starglow Media - Mondays


In "The Telltale Tile," Miss Bennett, an elderly woman with limited means, hears about her neighbour Mrs. Stanley's financial troubles and decides to make a significant sacrifice by giving up her only luxury, tea, to help her. This act of kindness starts a friendship with Mrs. Stanley's daughter, Hetty. As Christmas approaches, Miss Bennett surprises Hetty with a beautiful workbox filled with sewing supplies. Later, Hetty discovers a hidden message in the workbox that leads to the discovery of a long-lost fortune, ensuring Miss Bennett's comfort and happiness—their friendship and unselfish acts of giving lead to a happy ending.This story originally appeared a few years ago on Sleep Tight Stories. Sleep Tight!, Sheryl & Clark❤️👂📖 -- 👉 Join Premium for AD FREE listening and extra bedtime stories! 👉 Sleep Tight Premium is now available in Apple Podcasts! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts, or share our podcast with your friends. ❤️ Find us on YouTube: @SleepTightRelax📷 Instagram: @sleeptightrelax -- About Sleep Tight Relax Prepare to drift calmly off to sleep by listening to our weekly podcast, which mixes relaxation and meditation techniques with rich bedtime stories, calming sounds of nature, and soothing music. Created for kids but safe for all ages, Sleep Tight Relax can make bedtime, quality time by helping busy minds become calm and relaxed. Please do not operate heavy machinery while consuming this podcast. Recommended for ages 5 and up. PJs and stuffies sold separately 😉 --Dedicated to enhancing the health and happiness of children, Sleep Tight Media helps families replace bedtime struggles with bedtime snuggles.