EP 12 - Raketen Stadt Of Mind (W/ Jeffrey Severs)
Slow Learners - A podcast by Ian Scuffling

Covering Part 4: Chapters 7-11. We follow the Counterforce to a surprise dinner, reflect on The World, learn of Weissman's new frontier, and finally reach the THRILLING climax between Tchitcherine and his Herero half-brother, Enzian. Also: we speak with Professor Jeffrey Severs, literary scholar and co-host of the podcast Don DeLillo Should Win The Nobel Prize, about the 1962 Seattle World's Fair (a.k.a. the Century 21 Exhibition) and its influence on Pynchon's vision of the future: the Raketen Stadt. Other topics include: Giving LSD to elephants, Bush (and Bush X), Louis Jolyon West, disgust and absurdism, colonialism (again), capitalism (again), Ren & Stimpy, the Military Industrial Complex, the Space Age and all its wonders, Calvino's Invisible Cities, and more. Read "A City of The Future": Gravity's Rainbow and the 1962 Seattle World's Fair by Jeffrey Severs (requires JSTOR access). Read Proverbs For Paranoids, John's guide to Gravity's Rainbow. E-mail us your questions, queries, and crackpot theories: [email protected]