Mailbag Time (Listener Qs, A'd)

Slow Learners - A podcast by Ian Scuffling


We open the ol' mailbag, which is really more of google voicemail inbox, to answer some listener Q&As. At long last!

We accidentally deleted one and apologize. So if you're the person who called in to ask about the "keying waves" sequence, where Slothrop is talking to his dad...well....we are truly sorry. It was a good question!

Stay tuned. We are starting prep on our next season on Proust. We are currently arguing about whether to do just <i>Swann's Way</i>, or all of <i>In Search Of Lost Time</i>, which is like 9 billion words. Maybe we can do <i>Swann's Way</i> first, and then do other books? And then come back to Proust? If you have thoughts, we'd appreciate it, as we like to put our listeners first...after ourselves, and all our stupid, self-indulgent tendencies, and whims. It may be a few months off, in any event.

If you're not doing so yet, follow us on Twitter, which will never be known as "X."