#31 Shannon Kenny - Mama Eco - having a more eco-friendly and sustainable business

Small Business Sisterhood Podcast: Online Business, Blogging, Creative Entrepreneurs, Business Community - A podcast by Pepper Makepeace: Entrepreneur, Business Systems & Social Media Marketing Strategy, Solopreneur Consulting


Shannon Kenny is a sustainability consultant, helping eco-friendly businesses become more sustainable without sacrificing profit. Her journey into fighting climate change, supporting people in their journey to eco consciousness, began with a piece of plastic packaging she wasn’t certain could be recycled. From there, Shannon began educating herself, and then others, to help them learn how to reduce their carbon footprint and help them understand that any action, however small it feels, does make a difference. In this episode, Pepper Makepeace talks with Shannon about her journey into entrepreneurship and the difficult decision-making and numerous pivots she navigated to get to where she is today. They talk about following your core values and mission to help steer your path through the choices we have to make and the learning curve that comes with being an entrepreneur.