SFP 033 | Jon Acuff interviews Toni and Carey Nieuwhof on How A Marriage Can Move From Despair to Thriving, How To Leave Unhappiness Instead of Your Spouse, And Toni's Insights As A Family Law Mediato
Smart Family Podcast - A podcast by Toni Nieuwhof and Dr Rob Meeder
Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed or disconnected in your marriage? Worried how this is impacting the kids? Do you wonder if maybe splitting up is better than continuing on? Then this is an episode you won't want to miss! Toni and Carey Nieuwhof reflect together on how a marriage can become empty, and offer practical advice on how to turn it around. As a family law mediator and former divorce attorney Toni shares her insights in her new book Before You Split. This honest and open conversation will instil hope - no matter where your marriage is at.